• Michael Mullins
  • Michael "The Bard" Mullin
  • "The Bard of Foremass"
  • Poem Banner
    A Neglected Melody

    We’ve heard of people waxing
    Enthusiastic and
    Admiring and applauding
    Some piece of music grand.
    We’ve heard about the sweetness
    Of ‘music of the wind’
    The rivers song; and Nature’s
    Orchestral strains combined:
    But what about the music –
    (All rhymers it forgot)
    The music bland that bubbles
    From the boiling ‘praties’ pot.

    Some folk think ‘praties bad food,
    In nutriment but weak;
    But I’ll engage a wager,
    The teapot’s  twisted beak
    Emits less healthy music,
    And sings to less fair maids –
    With lovely rose faces
    Beneath their modest plaids;
    Less Herculean ‘buacaills’
    Who’ve big broad shoulders got –
    Than does the music bubbling
    From the boiling ‘pratie’ pot.

    Pat’s rustic youngsters love it;
    Though wealth may mock its strains,
    It sings hope to some millions
    Of sturdy honest swains.
    Then may it sing for ever –
    This democratic song –
    And mingle with the crickets’,
    To cheer the Gael along.
    ‘Twould beat the best piano
    To liven up a cot –
    The music that’s emitted
    From the boiling ‘pratie’ pot.

    Michael Mullin, ‘THE BARD OF FOREMASS’

    Foremass Lower, Sixmilecross, Co. Tyrone.