• Michael Mullins
  • Michael "The Bard" Mullin
  • "The Bard of Foremass"
  • Poem Banner
    A Wee Wee Poem

    A wee wee woman, an’ a wee wee man;
    A wee wee pot , an’ a wee wee pan;
    A wee wee bonnet, an’ a wee wee hat;
    A wee wee dog, an’ a wee wee cat;
    A wee wee stool, an’ a wee wee chair;
    A wee wee bed for a wee wee pair;
    A wee wee table and wee wee delph
    On a wee wee dresser’s wee wee shelf;
    A wee wee horse an’ a wee wee cow;
    A wee wee churn an’ a wee wee plough.
    Though this wee pair had a wee wee purse
    They had God’s wee blissin’, and the divil’s wee curse.
    Of wee wee woes they’d a wee wee share,
    But wee wee joys had this wee wee pair.
    This wee wee woman, an’ this wee wee man
    With their wee wee cot, an’ their wee wee lan’,
    Had more wee joys in their wee wee life,
    Than a wee wee king, an’ his wee wee wife.


    Michael Mullin, ‘THE BARD OF FOREMASS’

    Foremass Lower, Sixmilecross, Co. Tyrone.

    (Michael heard this sang in Belfast as a skipping song for children when he lived for a few months with his daughter Joan and Joe Duggan)