• Michael Mullins
  • Michael "The Bard" Mullin
  • "The Bard of Foremass"
  • Poem Banner
    My Favourite Stream

    My favourite stream! once more I come
    Along thy grassy banks to roam;
    Into thy glassy tide to gaze
    And dream of dear departed days.

    Since first thy verdant banks I ranged
    Changed is the world, and I am changed:
    Bright looked the world and hopeful then –
    ‘Twill ne’er look so to me again.

    Bright hopes buoyed up my youthful breast,
    Sorrow was seldom then its guest:
    The future sunny seemed and fair –
    Ere I was introduced to care.

    I hoped true love on me would smile,
    I hoped to help my hapless isle –
    With voice and pen much good to do
    In the dear cause of Roisin Dhu.

    To-day, dear stream, how do I stand?
    Nought have I helped my native land;
    Her foes too strong, too weak am I –
    I can but think of her, and sigh.

    In vain I’ve loved, I’ve toiled in vain;
    What once gave pleasure now gives pain:
    Of youth’s bright hopes now scarce a spark
    Remains to light me in the dark.

    Dear stream! if fate still lets me rove
    Along the verdant banks I love,
    When dark the present looks I’ll flee
    Back to the bygones, back to thee.


    Michael Mullin

    The Bard of Foremass’
    Foremass Lower, Sixmilecross, Co. Tyrone.