• Michael Mullins
  • Michael "The Bard" Mullin
  • "The Bard of Foremass"
  • Poem Banner

    Cissie “The Bard” Mullin, Michael’s daughter in law passed away 23rd June 2021.

    She had a great devotion to the Sacred Heart.

    May God have mercy on her gentle Soul.

    O Sacred Heart of Jesus

    ‘Tis a simple little prayer
    And it isn’t hard to say
    You can say it anywhere,
    In the night or in the day;
    And the oftener you say it
    The better you shall be;
    ‘Tis “Sacred Heart of Jesus
    I place my trust in Thee.”
    It makes your crosses lighter,
    It softens every pain
    It makes your soul grow whiter
    Until the crown you gain.
    ‘Twill grow to be your sweetest song
    On air or land or sea
    “Sacred Heart of Jesus
    I place my trust in Thee.”