• Michael Mullins
  • Michael "The Bard" Mullin
  • "The Bard of Foremass"
  • Poem Banner
    A Dozen Wee Ducks

    A dozen wee ducks strolled outside
    The hen that hatched them followed and tried
    To mother them and be their guide,
    As the wee ducks waddled on.

    They reached the brink of a big horse pool
    Where quacked a drake that scorned hen rule
    “I’m your daddy. That’s hen’s a fool
    Come on, Web toes, come on.”

    The poor hen cried till her eyes grew dim.
    The wee ducks all enjoyed their swim
    With daddy drake.  They stayed with him
    And bade the hen begone.

    Poor old hen! let me weep with you
    For my wee ducks – they left me too.
    When they grew up away they flew,
    And left me all alone.

    Poor hen with you I sympathise
    My own wee ducks – they did likewise,
    Now I am all alone.  Let’s rub thumbs
    But you’ve none.

    MICHAEL MULLIN ‘The Bard of Foremass
    Foremas Lower, Sixmilecross.