• Michael Mullins
  • Michael "The Bard" Mullin
  • "The Bard of Foremass"
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    Blessed Oliver Plunket

    (MARTYRED JULY 1, 1681)

    Our martyred Primate! Dying for Faith and Ireland;
    Sealing thy sacred life with thy heart’s blood;
    Torn from the flock, held by the howling wolves.
    To-day thee we behold upon the scaffold,
    Surrounded, as thy Master was surrounded,
    By jeering foes; thy thin hands lifted in prayer
    And supplication for thy suffering land.
    Thy persecuted Faith, thy stricken flock –
    Aye even for thy foes prepared to slay thee.
    Above the cruel mob we see thee kneeling,
    Renouncing the world, the flesh and wickedness,
    Smiling in death’s face, gazing through gloom to God.
    While angels hasten from the highest heavens
    To snatch from enemies thy soul of love,
    And bear it in triumph to the Throne above.
    While English devils tear thee limb from limb
    O Blessed Oliver Plunket! We pray thee:
    Help the afflicted prelates, priests and people
    Of Eastern Europe, crushed by Russian hordes
    Urged on by Satan and by Stalin led;
    And pray that Ireland may aye remain
    True to the Faith for which thy blood was shed.

    Foremass Lower, Sixmilecross, Co. Tyrone.