Brigid’s Day
On Brigid’s Day, on Brigid’s Day,
Breezes! softly, gently play.
Smile, O Sun! up in the sky,
And bid the frosts of winter fly.
Brigid loved the songs of birds;
Brigid loved the lowing herds,
She loved the flowers and birds and bees;
But Brigid loved much more than these.
The poor she loved; and even more
She loved the children of the poor;
To soothe the sick, to cheer the sad.
But still a higher goal she had.
To save the sinner’s deathless soul –
That was Brigid’s higher goal:
Her who made our land renowned
For holy nuns, and faith profound.
O’er our doors her cross we set,
To show how much we love her yet.
Gaels know by this where’er they roam,
Such home is a St. Brigid’s home.