• Michael Mullins
  • Michael "The Bard" Mullin
  • "The Bard of Foremass"
  • Poem Banner
    By A Pleasant Riverside

    When the summer sun is beaming,
    And the world is fair and bright.
    It is bliss to go a-dreaming
    Through the meadows green and white,
    To my river where each sally
    Holds its parasol on high;
    While the soft winds of the valley
    Through the leafy branches sigh.

    It is sweet to lie at leisure
    After heavy labour done,
    Feeling there the restful pleasure –
    Wooed by wind and kissed by sun;
    Watching sun and shadow going
    O’er the landscape in a race –
    Just like joy and sorrow showing,
    In a maiden’s tell tale face.

    List’ning to the music tender
    Played by Zepeyr’s airy band
    On the river’s harp of slender
    Osier and of willow wand;
    List’ning to the bird notes blending
    With the crooning of the breeze
    While the river’s song ascending
    Harmonises all of these.

    O tis sweet to be a-dreaming
    By the pleasant riverside,
    When the summer sun is beaming –
    With fond memories to bide;
    Dreams of which these scenes remind me,
    Friendships, loves and hopes sublime –
    Golden links that firmly bind me
    To youth’s olden golden time.

    MICHAEL MULLIN, ‘The Bard of Foremass’,
    Foremass Lower, Sixmilecross, Co. Tyrone.

    3rd verse 4th line osier – other name for sally