You are my flower of flowers,
Cushla machree!
Light of my darkest hours,
Cushla machree!
You are my spirit’s bright
Sunbeams that banish night;
You are my heart’s delight,
Cushla machree!
You are my golden mine,
Cushla machree!
You are my jewels fine,
Cushla machree!
You are my harp in tune,
You are my rose in June,
You are my sun at noon,
Cushla machree!
You, my first love of youth,
Cushla machree!
Still are my star of truth,
Cushla machree!
Sharing my heavy load,
Smoothing my rugged road,
Cheering our poor abode,
Cushla machree!
Life’s sea at times looked dark,
Cushla machree!
Storms sometimes struck the bark,
Cushla machree!
Love’s lighthouse – you again
Made bright the darkened main –
Home you made home-like then,
Cushla machree!
Glory, fame – great they are,
Cushla machree!
But love is greater far,
Cushla machree!
Greater than hope or faith –
Stronger than mighty death;
True love is heaven’s breath,
Cushla machree!