• Michael Mullins
  • Michael "The Bard" Mullin
  • "The Bard of Foremass"
  • Poem Banner
    I take a stroll

    I take a stroll among my flowers of memory.
    The door I close upon the present with its woes and joys.
    I wander on and on.
    To fields far off and years long gone;
    Through many a gate and many a door.
    I pass where oft’ I passed of yore.
    And on and on through scenes that smiled.
    Upon me when I was a child
    The winds of recollection raise.
    The curtain o’er departing days.
    Down boreens of the past awhile
    I chase a face and haunting smile.
    An unforgotten form I greet.
    With fond caress and kisses sweet
    But there alas were tear-drops too.

    Thus, olden friendships I renew
    Hurrying here, delaying there.
    For something dear or sweet or fair.
    Thus pictures come; thus pictures pass –
    Like sun and shadow o’er the grass.

    MICHAEL MULLIN, ‘The Bard of Foremass,
    Foremass Lower, Sixmilecross, Co. Tyrone.
    Won 7/6 -2nd place