• Michael Mullins
  • Michael "The Bard" Mullin
  • "The Bard of Foremass"
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    In memory of Joan Duggan (nee Mullin), Michael’s daughter. Died 5th March 2017 in Daisy Hill Hospital Newry. Rest in peace

    Hail Mary Full Of Grace

    Tis a sweet wee holy prayer
    For October or for May
    Anytime or anywhere
    Tisn’t difficult to say
    You could say it cooking – sewing
    Or when cleaning up the place
    When home-coming when out-going
    Hail, Mary, Full of Grace

    It will sanctify your losses
    And turn them all to gains
    It will glorify your crosses
    And pacify your pains
    Say it when your hopes grow dimmer
    And your struggles grimmer grow
    Pray it in your spells of gladness
    And of sadness and of woe

    Say it when you’re feeling weary
    And your heart is sad and sore
    And the oftener you pray it
    You will come to love it more
    You will grow to say it sleeping
    And when death you have to face
    None in vain has ever prayed it
    Hail, Mary, Full of Grace.