• Michael Mullins
  • Michael "The Bard" Mullin
  • "The Bard of Foremass"
  • Poem Banner
    Joy Comes With Spring

    Joy comes with Spring,
    And  hearts beat high with hope,
    When blithe birds sing,
    And tender green leaves ope
    On tree and bush.
    Then, how the glad notes gush
    From hearts were lately sad!
    The blackbird and the thrush,
    The linnet and the lark
    With ecstasy are mad
    From dawn of day till dark.

    The streams rejoice
    Betwixt their greening banks;
    The willow’s voice
    Is heard returning thanks;
    The zephyr mild
    Sports like a happy child
    Across the daisied green,
    All sweet and undefiled.
    And the proud King of Day
    Smiles on the vernal Queen,
    And dries her tears away.

    Hope comes with Spring
    To spirits long opprest;
    And joy-bells ring
    In every human breast.
    Love loudly knocks
    At doors suspicion locks:
    Through welcome doors that ope,
    Right boldly in he walks,
    With happiness, his bride –
    O Love! O, Joy! O, Hope! –
    All in the sweet spring-tide.

    Michael Mullin
    ‘The Bard of Foremass’
    Foremass Lower, Sixmilecross, Co. Tyrone.