• Michael Mullins
  • Michael "The Bard" Mullin
  • "The Bard of Foremass"
  • Poem Banner
    Looking Back

    Long years ago I plucked a bunch of heather;
    For you, aroon, I plucked it, dewy wet,
    Upon a hill which we oft climbed together –
    Upon the hill where first in youth we met.

    Now we are old, and faded is love’s token;
    But in our hearts that love is blooming still –
    ‘Tis like our trysting tree, by storms unbroken,
    That deeper, firmer roots into the hill.

    We’ve climbed the hill of life together bravely;
    And now, while drawing closer to the crown,
    We often pause, and turn, surveying gravely
    The slopes behind, and youth’s plateau far down.

    A hard flight was ours, but love gave strength to fight it;
    Though rough the road you never did complain;
    With some hopes realised, and many blighted,
    We’ve had our share of sunshine and of rain.

    Together we have climbed life’s hill – together
    May we step forth upon the long, long road
    That stretches upwards from the hill of heather,
    To where awaits our heavenly abode.