Sweet as the rose and fair,
Maureen asthore!
Lilies no lovelier,
Maureen asthore!
Artless and fond and shy,
Gay as the lark on high –
Why did you from us fly,
Maureen asthore!
When you forsook your nest,
Maureen asthore!
For the alluring West,
Maureen asthore!
Joy from our valley flew,
Hope bade our hearts adieu,
Darker the sunlight grew,
Maureen asthore!
Did fortune on you smile,
Maureen asthore?
Yes, for a little while,
Maureen asthore!
Soon did the roses pale,
Faded our lily frail,
Died far from Innisfail,
Maureen asthore!
In vain for you they wait,
Maureen asthore!
Home-coming, rich and great,
Maureen asthore!
Why should the old folk know?
Frail are they now and low,
Where you have gone they go,
Maureen asthore!
Michael Mullin ‘The Bard of Foremass’
Foremass Lower, Sixmilecross, Co Tyrone.