• Michael Mullins
  • Michael "The Bard" Mullin
  • "The Bard of Foremass"
  • Poem Banner
    On Altamuskin

    This mountain looks upon Belleek:
    Belleek surverys the sea;
    And I stand on this mountain’s peak –
    A poet wild and free.

    Why do I say that I am wild?
    And why of Freedom boast?
    I am this savage mountain’s child,
    Unchained to any post.

    The land, an open map, below;
    Above, the heavens extend;
    And I can let my fancies go
    Beyond the world’s end.

    Yon lark that carols in the sky
    Is my companion meet;
    It sings for me, and for it I
    Compose my ditties sweet.

    The moorwinds sweeping o’er the heath
    Dance merrily along;
    And while I feel their cooling breath,
    I hear their happy song.

    Alone with God upon this peak –
    With God, for He is here;
    In songs of birds I hear Him speak
    Sweet words of love and cheer.

    Remote from men, alone with God,
    A poet wild and free –
    My roof, the heavens high and broad,
    My floor, the land and sea.
    Meet – fit or suitable

    Michael Mullin ‘The Bard of Foremass’
    Foremass Lower, Sixmilecross, Co. Tyrone