• Michael Mullins
  • Michael "The Bard" Mullin
  • "The Bard of Foremass"
  • Poem Banner
    Sacred Heart of Jesus

    Sacred Heart of Jesus make me
    Love Thee more and more
    More than father, more than mother
    More than sister, more than brother
    And when life is o’er
    Sacred Heart! do not forsake me
    But in pity take me, take me
    In through mercy’s door.

    Thou hast shown me God like patience
    Which should melt whin-stone,
    Ne’er a murmur as they stipped Thee
    Ne’er a murmur as they whipped Thee
    Tearing flesh from bone.
    Ne’er a moan, nor lamentation
    What a price for man’s salvation;
    See when sin has done.

    Sacred Heart of Jesus! bind me
    To Thy Holy Cross.
    Sacred Heart of Jesus! bend me,
    Strip me, whip me, card me, rend me,
    Sift out sinful dross.
    In the mill of duty grind me
    With the band of true love bind me
    To Thee and the Cross.