• Michael Mullins
  • Michael "The Bard" Mullin
  • "The Bard of Foremass"
  • Poem Banner
    This is an unpublished and untitled peice – probably a first draft and undated post 1950

    Holy Mary! be not to me as a stranger grand and great
    But as Mamma waiting for me opening the garden gate
    Not so much as Queen in glory crowned upon a heavenly throne
    I would rather look upon you as the Ma my youth has known.
    Love of mother, love for mother each of these is special love
    Less of earth and more of heaven are these blessings from above
    So in Maytime I would like you’d be (my) a motherly mamma
    To your sonny who offended his Allpowerful Da-Da
    To your little (touseled) weeping toddler who has tripped and cut his face
    With his pinafore all muddy and his curls all out of place
    I would like to see you soothe me as my mother used to do
    In the happy days of childhood ere she went away to you
    As you used to teach sweet Jesus how to walk and how to stand
    I would love to walk beside you, I would love to hold your hand
    It is Maytime, Holy Mary, let me now your ba-ba be
    Let me love you as the mamma that my mother was to me