We’ve songs that scare and songs that scoff
And songs that set us sighing
Now sing us one to make us laugh
And send waist buttons flying.
Since laughter cures a lot of ills,
Lets laugh till our sides get sore
Laughter is cheaper and better than pills
You buy in a chemist’s store.
We’ve tears enough in the world today
And fears enough in the offing
A whiff and a puff drive clouds away;
Give us a dose of laughing.
Tune your harp to the skylark’s lilt
For larks to heaven belong.
‘Tis useless crying o’er milk that’s spilt,
Sing us a merry song.
Sing for a change a song of joy
That tunes our grief to gladness
And a sad old man to a bright young boy,
We’re sick of songs of sadness.
MICHAEL MULLIN, ‘The Bard of Foremass,
Foremass Lower, Sixmilecross, Co. Tyrone.
Footnote by P.D. : –
Some philosopher once said “I think therefore I am” – in my father’s case, “He wrote therefore He was”. These are some of the memories I have of the father I knew at home years ago and the father I renew through his poems today.